How to lose weight
with bad knees
Are you tired of having limited mobility due to painful knees?
I was downtown running some errands, just after a bad storm. I entered into an office building in the front lobby and noticed everyone standing around looking confused. I asked a lady who was next to me, what was going on. She explained to me the storm knocked the power out to the elevators. Everyone was told to use the stairs if they had any business to take care of. I noticed several people leaving, motioning they would come back another day.
Others proceeded to go to their designated floors, but this woman in particular looked sad. I was concerned and asked her what was wrong. She informed me her knees were bad and she couldn’t take the stairs. The stairs for her were not an option. She then told me it was imperative she make it to the 3rd floor to pay an urgent bill and today was the deadline. She stated if she did not make the payment today, she would lose her house. I felt so compelled to help her, I asked her if she would allow me to make the payment for her. She happily obliged and she waited for her receipt.
It felt so good to be able to help someone in need, but I kept thinking, what more could I do for her, and people like her, to increase mobility and decrease knee pain. As someone who has also suffered from knee pain from being overweight, I know first hand the stigma of not being able to climb a flight of stairs, stand up after being seated for a long period of time, or simply being able to participate in my favorite physical activities. Being overweight is its own problem, but while you are trying to lose weight, you do not have to be in pain.
how can i help you?

I have spent years studying health and fitness in order to develop programs to help overweight and obese people lead healthy and PAIN FREE lives. I am a nationally certified personal trainer with degrees specializing in human movement and health. My knowledge of training is very extensive and is constantly growing with the needs of my clients. I have spent several years training clients 1:1, and in groups. I have also trained clients in various places including gyms, parks, offices, and homes. I started noticing more and more people wanted to train in the privacy of their home, however I was unable to accommodate this high demand. This is when online training was born. I was able to meet the needs of all of my clients by developing a program that could easily be done at home or in a gym. I am also a Corrective Exercise Specialist who specializes in correcting misalignments in the body.
What is a Malalignment?
I noticed that a lot of my overweight/obese clients had malalignments (imperfect body alignment or muscular imbalances) due to sustained injuries and/or pain. Have you ever had a broken or sprained ankle? Did you ever notice that you would not put a lot of pressure on the injured ankle but would put all of your weight on the uninjured ankle? Did you notice you did the same thing even after the injured ankle healed? Well what happens over time is the body heals that way creating muscular imbalances. One side will become stronger and the other side will become weaker, inhibited or have limited function. This is what is called imperfect alignment. Over time, this can lead to a whole host of other injuries which could be avoided by utilizes corrective exercises to get the body back into perfect alignment. As a Corrective Exercise Specialist I am able to assess your anatomy, and use the knowledge necessary to successfully design a corrective exercise program to help clients plagued by muscle and joint pain caused by musculoskeletal imbalances.
When I broke my ankle I had lost a little faith in trying to keep up with my workout routine and sustaining the fitness level I was at. I trained with Dr. Kina the entire time I was in a cast and she was very cautious with me and worked around my injury while at the same time provided me with hope and guidance to push through this negative event with positivity. I continue to train with Kina and I have lost 12 pounds post surgery and also achieved much more definition. In addition, when I was challenged with giving up hope Kina stuck by me and let me know that there wasn't anything I couldn't do."
- Dr. Nida
Finally, overweight pain relief
Being overweight has become a huge problem. Approximately 36% of the population is considered to be obese. To combat this, doctors are prescribing diet and exercise. Well, it is easy to switch out healthy options for unhealthy options at the grocery store. But, how do you start an exercise program when you have knee pain that gets worse when you try to exercise? One of the chief complaints overweight people have when starting an exercise program is pain, KNEE PAIN TO BE EXACT. Well, what if I told you there was a way to still exercise AND lose weight WITHOUT the dreaded KNEE PAIN. What if I told you there were exercises that you could do in a gym OR in the privacy of your own home, that could significantly reduce knee pain, strengthen the knees AND help you with your weight loss goal? Would you be interested?

I’m excited to share with you a new online exercise program that will help you to lose weight, while reducing knee pain!
My name is Stanley Howard and I am overweight, I have come to believe that a positive person with a stand fast and motivating attitude can overcome almost anything. Dr. Kina is that person for me. She motivates me to work hard, eat right, and believe that my goals are obtainable. Kinas’ best quality is she understands what I am going through and she has never put me down or allowed me to give up. “Make it Look Easy” is her catch phrase. These four words have become my tool for success. By her life’s example Kina has shown me what, when, how much, and what times to eat. Through her exercise plans she has directed me on what to do, how long to do it, and the results i will achieve if I stick to the plan. If it was not for the marvelous trainer I would not be as healthy or happy with myself as I am today. She gets results and if you want results you cannot go wrong with using Kina and her plan for success
-Stanley -

Knee Pain, Go Away!
Finally, A Program that Works for You!
So you decided you want to lose weight, but don't want to be in pain? Well this program is perfect for you! When you are selecting a personal trainer, it becomes a partnership. You have to select someone you trust, someone who is knowledgeable in their field, and someone who is going to deliver what they said they could. As your online personal trainer, there are several things you can expect to receive.
Education. You will know what you need to do, but you will also know why you are doing it. There is nothing worse then being given a task but not knowing why. When you know the reason behind why you are doing a specific task or exercise, it makes you more willing to do it. For example, you will be educated on how to do exercises correctly, which prevents injuries and increases your effectiveness towards reaching all which will maximize your results.
Specificity. You are a unique person, with uniques goals. A program will be developed specifically for you and your needs. I do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach. A unique program will be completed for you, ONLY after learning what your unique goals are. You will also be A PART OF THE PROCESS. I cannot do it without you and your input.
Realistic Goals. Once people begin an exercise program they want to reach their goals. Sometimes though, they want to set goals that are unrealistic. For example, maybe they want to lose 50 pounds in 30 days or they want to run a 5K in 2 weeks but have not run a day in their life. As your personal trainer, my job is to help you reach your goals by setting S.M.A.R.T. goals. They need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. By making and setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, failure is not an option.
Accountability. When you are working with me, I am you accountable for your exercise program. You have someone working with 24/7 to help you reach your fitness goals. My job is to ensure you commit and stick to your exercise program.
More than just fitness. As your trainer, my job goes beyond fitness. Yes I can help you with your fitness needs, but I can also help you with nutrition education, mental health and your overall wellbeing. All of these factors play an important factor in your success.
Lifestyle change. As your personal trainer, my make job is to help you to develop a lifestyle change which becomes part of your daily routine. This is done by helping you form good habits, showing you how to schedule exercise into your life and being available when you need me.
Challenge. I can guarantee if you follow the plan, you will not end where you start! I will encourage AND challenge you to be the best version you can be and I will be right with you the whole time!

Hello all, I just want to let you all know that I’ve been working with this amazing trainer/friend since November 2012. She has gotten me in tip top shape with the help of nutrition and my own individualized workouts when I am not with her. I have fallen off the boat a few times but she’s always there to help me get back where I need to be. She has great energy and expertise. If you have any doubts, don’t worry because she has specialized plans for everyone. Come try her style of training so you can turn that fluff into buff!
What Will My Program Include?

After you signup, you will receive and complete a comprehensive questionnaire which will help me to understand what your goals are. This will help me to learn more about you. This will then be met with a follow up phone call to answer any additional questions I may have as well as you. this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

100% Customized Monthly Exercise Program
Tell people more about this item. What's it about and what makes it interesting? Give people the info they need to You will receive a customized 30 day exercise program via an exercise app based on your fitness goals. You will be able to view demos/videos of each exercise through a the app to ensure your form is good. This is imperative for reducing the risk of injuries. This will help to increase your confidence when doing exercises whether at home or in a gym using machines. ahead and take the action you want. To make this item your own click here > Add & Manage Items.

Meal Plan
You will receive customized weekly meal plans based on your fitness and nutrition needs. Diets are 100% customized and macronutrient breakdown are dependent on your fitness goals. Diets are also created by a Registered Dietician. people more about this item. What's it about and what makes it interesting? Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want. To make this item your own click here > Add & Manage Items.

Exercise Video Library
Tell peopleIt can be very frustrating being asked to do an exercise on paper and having no idea how to do it correctly. Well this app takes the guesswork out it for you. In the app, you will be able to view all of the exercises you will be required to do BEFORE you do them. This helps to reduce the risk of injury. Videos will also show modified versions.more about this item. What's it about and what makes it interesting? Give people the info they need to go ahead and take the action you want. To make this item your own click here > Add & Manage Items.

Comprehensive Weekly Phone/Video Support
What's It is important for you to know you are not alone. Even though this is an online program, you will still have access to me through phone calls and unlimited emails. We will schedule a 30 minute comprehensive phone/video chat once a week to discuss how the program is going as well discuss ways to overcome any potential problems or barriers you may face. item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

30 Day Assessment
Every 30 days I will assess how the program is going in it’s entirety and readjust your program as needed to continue maximizing your results.

I have lost 70 pounds since I starting working with Dr. Kina. While working out with her, she pushed me and made me a lot stronger. On top of that, my knee pain decreased and I gained mobility in my ankle that was previously broken.

Tired of Being overweight
with knee pain?
Exercise programs should not be a “one size fits all” program. if someone says otherwise, RUN!
I got tired of being overweight with knee pain and I knew exercise was key. But I had to do exercises that would allow me to lose weight and not exacerbate my knee pain. By working alongside doctors and physical therapists, I found specific exercises that would allow me to reach my goals and strengthen my knees in the process.

In essence
Your program should be specific to you and your needs. This program is for:
Men and women who are overweight and want to lose weight, but have
knee pain.
People who want to lose 8-10 pounds your first month AND NOT BE IN
Guys and Gals who really want to overcome lack of motivation needed to
be successful on an exercise plan.
Busy people who want to have an exercise program built around their
hectic work schedule.
Someone who really wants to improve their eating habits at home and on
the go.
Men and women who are afraid of getting hurt while exercising.
A person who has an excessive amount of weight to lose, but no idea of
where and how to get started.
Guys and gals who want to feel better about themselves by increasing self-esteem and confidence
Men and women who want to increase their energy levels so they can do more in the day without feel drained!
If any of these sounds like you, here is your perfect opportunity to make a transformation!.
I’ve helped all my clients, just like you lose weight and reduce knee pain. This program is going to finally take out all of the guesswork. No more wondering what to do and how to do it. You will know exactly what to do.

This program allows flexibility to your training because it can be done at home or in the gym ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.
This program is going to save you money when compared to one-on-one personal training in the gym. You are definitely receiving an amazing value for the money spent!
I guarantee if you trust me and follow my plan to the letter, you will lose weight OR YOUR MONEY BACK! If you are ready to lose weight and reduce knee pain, then my knee pain pain go away 30 day program is for you.
Dr. Kina is a true Godsend when it comes to a having a "Get yourself together" wake up call. I know I wouldn't be in the place I'm in with my body right now, if it wasn't for Kina. I love her “never give up attitude” also. She gave me the courage to stop allowing myself to sit back and watch my weight pass me by. Kina is the type of trainer that gives you creative ways to enjoy and challenge your body, and prep you with tools and information to keep you on track. Kina is a walking physical motivational speaker box, and I'm proud to be one of her products.